Hi, I’m Lesieli

Guiding you to create the life you want


How would it feel to rediscover your dreams and start taking action to make them real? 
Many of the women I work with have set their dreams aside to manage the daily juggle of life.
As women we don’t need to settle for losing ourselves and living to survive. Life is short and precious, so why survive when you could thrive?
When women thrive, our families thrive too.

  • Confidence and strength

  • Improved relationships

  • Purpose and meaning

  • Growth and development

  • Better communication

Did you swap one set of dreams for another when you became a mum? 

Many women want to thrive not just survive through being a wife, mum and woman. But need support finding out what will bring meaning and purpose to their life.

Juggling the many demands of work and motherhood means they’re stuck.

It’s time to set everything down and take some time to thrive.

It was my own struggles juggling work, life and being a wife and mother that started my journey to learning how to thrive.



 As a mother of 4 children, a wife and a business owner I know what it means and how it feels every day to have to juggle so many things. I also understand the challenges and sacrifices that come with motherhood, marriage, life and balancing your work.

Now I use my skills and experience as a certified life coach to help busy mums thrive in the many roles that they fill. As wives, mothers, employees, bosses, friends and daughters.

I believe that as women we don’t need to settle for losing ourselves and living to survive.

Life is short and precious, so why survive when you can thrive?

As women we are the first to help, serve and give to others. It is part of who we are to be generous and to be constantly giving to others.

I understand the guilt that might come with justifying whether you are worth the investment, but you are.



When I look back on my life I realise how much setting and creating plans to achieve my own personal goals has been a major part of my life.
Goal setting isn’t about being better than anyone else. Setting goals is about honouring the life, gifts, talents and purpose that you’ve been blessed with and making sure that we’re always growing in this.

Life coaching is a great opportunity for you to invest in yourself and give yourself the space to make sure you're moving towards the meaningful life you desire - on purpose!

Life coaching isn’t about me telling you how to live your life, It’s about you giving yourself the space to re-discover who you are, your gifts, confidence, talents and the dreams you have for the life you want to live.

Something has to change

In February 2018 I was at home recovering and nurturing baby number 4. My three older children were in school, my husband was at work. I had this empty, lonely feeling because I just knew that surely there must be more. 

I wasn’t unhappy, but I also wanted more. I had been happily married for 12 years, and together we were raising four young children. I had a lot of blessings to be grateful for. But I had also experienced my fair share of sacrifices, compromises, and heartbreaks in my journey so far as a woman, wife, and mother.

I started to wonder if it was time to say goodbye to my once ambitious self. My dreams, hopes, and desires. Between the daily demands of washing, cleaning, feeding people, organising children, being the taxi driver and supporting my husband with his dreams, I was starting to feel unfulfilled. Like I had lost myself and I was just surviving the juggle of motherhood and being a wife.

(Is this sounding familiar?!)

In early 2018 I enrolled in a Life Coaching course through The Beautiful You Coaching Academy founded by Julie Parker. All I really wanted was some tools to help me ‘get unstuck’ BUT the course became a complete game changer and transformation for me. 

By the time I had finished the course in October 2018 I re-discovered who I was, I found the drive, hope and purpose I had lost. I became a qualified Life Coach, and most importantly I reignited a passion within me to help other women.

In October 2018 I launched Juggle & Thrive where I Inspire, Empower and Encourage working mums of young children to Juggle & Thrive. 


As a certified life coach I have the skills and knowledge to help you thrive as a woman, wife and mum.


Overcome the stress and anxiety that comes with the demands of life


Discover your gifts, talents, passions and dreams


Reignite the connection you have with your husband or partner


Grow in a positive and thriving mind set


Prioritise self-care


Learn a new skill or talent


Gain more control and organisation of your life


Grow in self-confidence and self-esteem


Pursue or grow in your business or career dream


My coaching sessions with Lesieli has made me very aware of how much I have been standing in my own way in many areas of my life. Now that I am aware of this I have been able to implement strategies from my coaching sessions to help me move though these blocks and show up as my best self.

Tegan A


Are you ready to thrive?

As a Life Coach, busy mother and wife, I understand how hard it is to put yourself first for once, to justify giving yourself the space, time and resources you need to go to the next level. 
This is why I am so passionate about helping you create a plan that will help you move from where you are now to where you want to be. Let me support and keep you accountable in your journey for less of the surviving and more of the thriving.

I’m ready to serve you to create the life you want.
What are you waiting for?